Monday, July 6, 2009

Jennifer's Body has a Red Band Trailer, but...


I held out hope for this flick - and I guess it's premature to give up on it - but a little bit of blood and the utterance of the F-word don't really make a red band trailer any dirtier than a regular one, you know?

Shock 'Til You Drop's got the premiere, so head on over there to check it out and judge for yourself. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I'd watch Megan Fox finger paint with monkey pies if I thought she might show some skin, but after watching this trailer, I'm not so sure that rule still applies.

Another observation that doesn't bode well for the flick? They advertise the soundtrack artists at the end. In all my years of trailer-watching, the only film I can remember doing that and being worth a shit was Clerks. I can't remember any others that did that, because they, you know, sucked.

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