Monday, July 6, 2009

Brian K. Vaughan Gets Off The Island

I am seriously bumming right now. Not only did I just find out I'm gonna be in college one semester longer than I thought, my favorite tv show's best writer just flew the coop. Yeah, I know - my priorities seem a bit off-balance, but it's the little things that get us through the day. Cut me some slack.

Brian K. Vaughan, the creator of such comic book masterpieces as Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina and Pride of Baghdad, has left the Lost writing team. MTV's Splash Page reported the news this afternoon, and confirmed it a short time later with an ABC spokesperson.

I LOVE Lost. It's easily one of my favorite shows of all time. I think the origins of how the show came about are incredibly fascinating, but it's the producers' hoodwinking of America that really brings a tear to my eye. You see, science fiction and television have a tenuous relationship at best. Most of the good sci-fi shows are taken off the air before their time, but the Lost boys pulled a slick one - on the network and the audience. They got their pilot to air as a realistic version of Survivor, grabbed the audience by the short hairs, and before anyone knew it, they were suckered into watching one of the greatest sci-fi shows ever created. It was a ballsy move, and I've been a fan of JJ and Co. ever since.

Brian my friend, it's been real. I hope to HELL you've got something good up your sleeve, because your work on Lost is gonna be one tough act to follow.

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