Monday, July 6, 2009

CGI Robots and Prehistoric Fauna Duke it Out for July 4th Weekend Supremacy

Not everyone in the USA sat around this weekend getting sauced and trying to blow their thumbs off with M-80s. Plenty of people went to the movies, and most of them went to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen or Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Sequel fever drove the box office, with the two CGI-heavies bringing in 42.5 mil each over the weekend.

Nikki Finke's reporting that the race for numero uno is so close that the actual winner won't be declared until Monday morning. Dragging behind in the 3-spot was Michael Mann's Depp-as-Dillinger flick Public Enemies, Sandra Bullock's skin flick at number 4, and some really funny drunk guys at number 5.

In just under two weeks, T: ROTF has hauled in 591 million dollars worldwide. That, my friends, is a ton of cabbage. Do me a favor: In 2010, when Webster's publishes their new edition of the dictionary, go look up "shitload." I'm gonna guess that the definition will read something similar to "the monetary amount, measured in dollars, that Michael Bay made Paramount in the summer of 2009." Damn, that's a haul.

I don't think Depp ever had a chance of besting the 'bots. Maybe as Jack Sparrow, sailing to Heaven in a flying boat and kidnapping Jesus or something - but even that would've been a long shot. And all this jive that Bay's been shucking about taking some time off before he does number 3, IF he does number 3? Paramount'll fix that problem. They may have to rob a small sovereign nation to pay for it, but fix it they will.

UPDATE: Looks like the robots took the critters. Head on over to THR for the numbers.

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